Parish of La Massana, Andorra

The parish of La Massana

Postal code: AD400

Coordinates42°32’42” Norte 1°30’53.4” Este

Medium height1.240 m

Localities of La Massana

  • La Massana
  • Pal
  • Arinsal
  • Erts
  • Sispony
  • Anyos
  • L’Aldosa
  • Escàs
  • Xixerella
  • El Pui
  • Puiol del Piu
  • Mas de Ribafeta

La Massana is the third parish in protocol order that make up the Principality of Andorra, located in the northwest of the country with an area of 65 km² and 9,937 inhabitants.

Its charm lies in the different peoples that make it up and its Romanesque legacy that manages to move us to Europe a few centuries ago.

Featured places in La Massana

  • Vallnord. Pal-Arinsal sector, summer and winter. With two cable cars that take you directly from the town center to the center of the ski slopes.
  • Natural Park of the Valls del Comapedrosa

In the following links you can find more detailed information about the parish of La Massana:

  • Municipality of La Massana
  • Tourism of La Massana