Parish of Canillo, Andorra

The parish of Canillo

Postal code: AD100

Coordinates42º 33′ 57.93” Norte 1º 35′ 48.12”

Medium height1.530 m

Localities of Canillo

  • Adosa de Canillo
  • Canillo
  • El Forn
  • Incles
  • Meritxell
  • Els Plans
  • Els Prats
  • Ransol
  • Soldeu
  • El Tarter
  • El Vilar

Canillo is one of the high mountain parishes of Andorra, in the northeast of the country, with heights that vary between 1,400 m and 2,913 m, is the largest parish in the Principality of Andorra with an area of 120 , 76 km² and 6,194 inhabitants.

Featured Places in Canillo

  • GrandValira

Sanctuary of Our Lady of Meritxell, patron saint of the Principality

Church of Sant Joan de Caselles

Ice Palace

Despite having a tourist vocation, the parish of Canillo retains many livestock and agricultural features. All this makes buying a flat in Canillo an excellent option to determine your residence.

In the following links you can find more detailed information about the parish of Canillo:

Municipality of Canillo

Tourism of Canillo